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Although the prognosis of patients with gingival metastasis is felt to be poor, regional radiotherapy is effective for the palliative purpose to the local metastatic lesion of the advanced disease.

Although the prevailing quotations are somewhat higher, we will accept the order on the same terms as be fore with the view of encouraging business. 尽管目前报价偏高,但为了促进今后业务的开展,我们仍将按过去条件接受你方订单。
Although the problems and difficulties of observational methods probably cannot be completely eliminated, they can be minimized through (1) clear conceptualization of the problems to be studied, (2) operationalization of key variables, (3) a logical proto 虽然观察法的问题及难处可能无法完全除去,但仍可以藉由清楚的研究问题与清楚的订出主要变数的操作性定义、具有逻辑性的观察流程、记录与资料判读,以及谨慎的观察者训练来将这些问题与困难减到最小。
Although the process is quite intuitive, the principles behind Extrude are fairly elaborate as discussed below. 尽管这个操作过程是很直观的,但在使用挤压工具之前,我们还是先看看下面的阐述。
Although the process of professionalisation and specialization was already well under way in British geology during the nineteenth century, its full consequences were thus delayed until the twentieth century. 尽管19世纪时英国地质学的专业化过程得到蓬勃发展,但其成果却是在20世纪显现出来的。
Although the profession is different, but Kronospan throughout by German nationality unique rigorously in emerging floor manufacture domain annotation tradition Chinese ancient precept, can be called craft manufacture floor which manufactures drugs. 虽然行业不同,但克诺斯邦始终以德语民族特有的严谨在新兴的地板制造领域诠释着传统的中国古训,堪称以制药的工艺制造地板。
Although the prognosis of patients with gingival metastasis is felt to be poor, regional radiotherapy is effective for the palliative purpose to the local metastatic lesion of the advanced disease. 虽然齿龈转移的预后相当差,但是给予局部放射治疗是对于这严重疾病的远端转移之一种有效的姑息性疗法。
Although the prospect of joining ABC Publishing Company was quite tempting, I have decided to accept an offer from another company which would allow me to develop work experience in marketing. 虽然ABC出版社很吸引我,但我还是决定接受另一公司的聘用,因为那里可以让我开拓发展销售方面的工作经验。
Although the public participation in urban planning formulation in China has a short history, more people attach importance to it. 摘要国内城市规划中的公众参与出现时间虽然不长,但日益得到人们重视。
Although the quality of these predictions is debatable, their impact is clearer. 尽管这些预测的质量是可争论的,它们的影响是清楚的。
Although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles. 虽然暴雨无情地倾盆而下,迫使所有的户外劳作停止,但土地的主人会仰天微笑。
Although the rainforest is disappearing at a frightening rate, a documentary crew are on hand to deliver some stunning footage of the landscape. 尽管热带雨林正以惊人的速度消失,但是我们的记录片人员准备用胶片记录下这迷人的景色。

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