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The government would be unwise to ignore the growing dissatisfaction with its economic policies.

The government will not negotiate with the terrorists. 政府决不与恐怖分子谈判。
The government will outlaw the rebels unless they surrender immediately. 除非反叛分子立即投降,否则政府将宣布他们为不法之徒。
The government will provide AIDS tests at no cost to pregnant women nationwide. 政府将提供全国孕妇免费的爱滋检查。
The government will soon take measures to take care of these environmental problems. 政府会很快对环境问题采取措施的.
The government will subsidise pre-school education by giving parents vouchers they can use to pay kindergarten fees. 政府透过给家长学券支付幼稚园学费,来资助学前教育。
The government would be unwise to ignore the growing dissatisfaction with its economic policies. 政府对人民对其经济政策的日益不满置之不理是不明智的。
The government would lose money on its huge stash of foreign-exchange reserves—but that loss will occur whenever the yuan appreciates and will be bigger the longer today's system continues. 政府将为其巨额外汇储备而有所损失—但只要人民币升值这一损失就会产生、并且如今的体制持续得越久,损失就会越大。
The government would not even consider his claim for money. 政府甚至不考虑他的赔款要求。
The government would not permit an insurrection against its authority. 政府不会容许任何向公权力挑战的造反发生。
The government would pay three-quarters of the drugs' cost up to $2,250 a year, after a $250 deductible and a monthly premium estimated at about $35. 政府方面要支付四分之三最多2250美元一年的医药费用,这一金额也是在250美元的扣除金额和估计的每个月35美元的保险费用之后计算出的。
The government would strive/endeavor to maintain stable economic growth as a nationwide battle was being waged against the SARS. 在全国范围内展开对抗SARS的战役的同时,政府将努力保持经济的稳定发展。

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