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This article analyzes stylistic salience and stylistic read-outness from the perspective of Gestalt psychology, pragmatic default inference, etc.
本文从格式塔心理学、语用零推理等角度出发 ,分析和探讨了文体的显突性以及这种显突性在文体读出时的生成和理解效应。

This MFP can acts as a stand-alone printer, scanner and copier. 该MFP可以作为独立的打印机、扫描仪和复印机使用。
This algorithm,which is simple,pellucid and wieldy,avoids fussy calculation and provides academic foundation of allotting the initial alignment error index without enough missile data support in the project verification phase. 该算法具有模型清晰,计算简便,易于使用的特点,避免了繁琐的运动学建模和编程计算过程,并且为在项目论证阶段不具备完备的总体数据支持的条件下,进行初始对准精度指标分配提供了理论依据。
This artcle in virtue of different mathematical methods of three kind, treats of three sides of unitary property about" x+ "question: Constructed intricate and dendriform frame of total C rebuke in virtue of inverse function of L. Collatz' s function; 本文运用三种不同的数学方法,论及 x+问题整体性质的三个方面: 利用柯拉茨函数的反函数,构造了全体C数列复杂的树状结构;
This article also analyses the principle of participation in litigation, procedural justice and equality, and the current legal practice in order to furnish the supporting point in theory and necessity in practice to entitle victims the right of appeal. 并就程序参与原则、程序正义原则、平等原则以及对当前司法实践的现实分析,为赋予被害人上诉权提供理论的支撑点和现实的必要性。
This article analyses the meaning of rascal software, and believe that the meaning of rascal software is as same as that of bad software. 从探析流氓软件的涵义出发,流氓软件与不良软件实则是同一涵义。
This article analyzes stylistic salience and stylistic read-outness from the perspective of Gestalt psychology, pragmatic default inference, etc. 本文从格式塔心理学、语用零推理等角度出发 ,分析和探讨了文体的显突性以及这种显突性在文体读出时的生成和理解效应。
This article descri - bes the definition,background,advantages and principle of the LDAP directory server. Through exam-ple,it also describes how to build configuration and operate OPENLDAP software on linux to provide di-rectory services. 因此在介LDAP目录服务器的定义、背景和原理的基础上,通过实例介绍了如何在linux下建立、配置和操作OPENLDAP件来提供目录服务的问题。
This article discusses and summarizes the construction technology of drapery grouting ponding by examples of project. 合工程实例,对采用“只堵不排”的水工帷幕注浆方法进行隧道堵水的施工技术进行探讨和总结。
This article introduced the structure, theory and usage of a newtype well repairing hydraulic nippers, and also analyzed its advantages and prospects of its popularizing and applying. 介绍了新型修井配套工具油田修井液压钳安全自动装置的结构、原理和使用方法 ,分析了它的优点和推广应用前景。
This article introduces a squirt machine control system based PLC and gives design of hardware and software. 本文介绍了一种基于PLC机控制的自动喷涂机系统,详细阐述了硬件和软件的设计。
This article introduces particularly the UART work elements of ARM and the connect method directly between ARM and the PC serial interface. 详细介绍了ARM自带的UART的工作原理及与计算机串行口的连接方法。

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