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The victims all worked at the club.

The victim's face was battered to a pulp. 那个受害者的脸被打得血肉模糊。
The victim's skull had been stove in by a heavy instrument. 遇害者的头颅是用重物击穿的.
The victim's wrists, crossed and suspended together over her head, were so slight, her fingers so graceful, her long legs so demure. 受害人的手腕交叉被吊在头顶,绑得很紧,她的手指是那么优雅,修长的腿是那么端庄。
The victim, the plaintiff and defender in an incidental civil action and the agents ad litem may, with the permission of the presiding judge, put questions to the defendant. 被害人、附带民事诉讼的原告人和辩护人、诉讼代理人,经审判长许可,可以向被告人发问。
The victim-offender-reconciliation system is a new solution on how to settle criminal cases. 刑事和解制度的出现,提出了一种全新的解决刑事案件的方案。
The victims all worked at the club. 死者都是在该俱乐部的员工。
The victims have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive sentence. 受害者上诉最高法院做最后的判决。
The victims have the right to claim damages. 受害人有权要求损害赔偿。
The victims of earthquake need assist asap. 那些地震灾民需要立即援助。
The victims reported other problems related to identity theft, with one-third being contacted by a debt collector and nearly the same amount having problems with bank accounts, while some 26% experienced problems with their credit cards. 受害人讲述了与身份盗窃有因果关系的其它相关问题,1/3与债权人有过接触,同样比例(/3)银行存折有过麻烦,另外26%信用卡出现过问题。
The victims were in a group of 30 people, mostly from the bride's family, who were marching down a dimly lit rural road just before 11 p.m. on Friday. 30多位客人大部分是新娘的亲戚,他们星期五晚上11点左右在黯淡的乡间马路行走。

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