Ultrastructural changes in root cells of Euryale Ferox Salisb. damaged by Hg + are reported.
报告了芡实根部细胞超微结构在Hg +毒害下的变化 . |
Ultrastructural observation of Cortico-striato-spinal degeneration
皮质-纹状体-脊髓变性的超微结构观察 |
Ultrastructure of nucleus and sclerotium of Fuligo septica phanero plasmodium
煤绒菌Fuligo septica显型原质团细胞核及菌核的超微结构 |
Ultrastructure of poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma
低分化滑膜肉瘤超微结构的观察 |
Ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of Longdong stream salamander Batrachuperus longdongensis (Urodela:Hynobiidae)
龙洞山溪鲵精子的超微结构 |
Ultrstructural Changes in Leaf Cells of Euryale Ferox Salisb. by the Stress of Hg~(+)
Hg~(+)胁迫下芡实叶超微结构的变化 |
Unavoided Malacca Strait
突破“马六甲困局”——马六甲海峡与我国原油通道安全解析 |
Uncover 80.n
掀起80.n的盖头来 |
Uncover the Mysterious Veil of CTP
CTP,掀起你的盖头来——记CTP系统解决方案及应用技术报告会 |
Uncover the Secret of "a=. 7m/s~"
揭开“a=. 7m/s~”之谜 |
Under 0℃ and .MPa, the conversion of butene was 00% and selectivity of ,,-TMP was 8 .% over Pt/WO /ZrO-AlO catalyst.
在0℃和.WPa的反应条件,pt/WO_ /ZrO_-A_O_ 催化剂上丁烯的转化率为00%,生成,,-TMP的选择性高达8 .%. |