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Because expansion is the basis of the big bang model, these misunderstandings are fundamental.

Because every factory or business, established in SEZ is new, imports of capital and consumer goods are exempted from customs duties. 由于特区建立的工厂和企业都是新的,所以进口的生产资料和消费品要免征进口税。
Because every time we don't succeed at the first. 因为任何时候我们都不可能一开始就成功。
Because everyone here hopes i'm ok. 因为在这里的每个人都希望我安好。
Because evidence on the subject is inconclusive and often contradictory, it has been hard to decide whether concern about the health effects of electricity is legitimate—or the worst kind of paranoia. 由于这问题的证据还不是结论性的,而且常常是矛盾的,所以就难以断定有关电力对身体的影响的顾虑是合乎情理,还是毫无根据的怀疑。
Because exoplanets are too far away to be seen directly, the 28 new planets were discovered by looking for the so-called Doppler wobble among stars. 由于这些外部行星太遥远,不能直接观测到。这28颗新发现的行星都是通过“多普勒摆动”在茫茫星海中定位的。
Because expansion is the basis of the big bang model, these misunderstandings are fundamental. 由于膨胀是大霹雳模型的基础,这些其实都是对于基本原理的误解。
Because expansion valves are high precision processing components,factory in its internal adjustment of the body parts are processed in a state of complete thermostatic, the temperature of the gas filling kits are demanding more consistent not detect leak 因为膨胀阀是属于超高精密加工的零件,在工厂对其内部调整机构零件的加工都在恒温状态下完成,其中的感温包的气体充填更是要求严格一致不允许一丝泄漏,在完成装配的膨胀阀还要经过严格的测试和耐疲劳老化抽检,膨胀阀的构造:1:感知温度的感温包;2:感温气体或者液体充填膨胀波纹腔;3:球型阀座;4球型阀;5:弹簧;6:过热度调整螺丝垫片和螺丝;7:内部和外部(H型)密封件;8:推力杆和波纹腔垫片;9:阀体;10:毛细管等等。
Because experts suspected Soma to be cueing Tito, she taught him to write. 由于专家怀疑是娑玛提供暗示,于是她教会第托写字。
Because extracorporeal oxygenation requires large extracorporeal blood flows (40-90ml/kg/min) large bore drainage cannulae must be used. 因为体外氧合需要很大的体外血流(40-90毫升/公升/分),所以必须用大口径的插管。
Because family isn't defined by blood. 因为亲属并不仅限于血缘。
Because farmer tradition consciousness and the economical condition as well as the agricultural industry feeble constitution limit, causes the farmer to train still has the public utility in the very great degree the nature, therefore also needs the gover 由于农民传统意识和经济状况以及农业产业的弱质性的限制,使农民培训在很大程度上依然带有公益事业的性质,因此还需要政府有专门的资金保障和社会各界的支持。

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