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DIANA: Tony, look. Maybe the fake treaty was made with these. Someone practiced Indian marks with this pen and ink.

DIANA: Philip Tate! Of course! He could do it. 戴安娜:菲利普•泰特!当然是他!他有条件做。
DIANA: Show me what? What's going on? 戴安娜:给我看什么?发生什么事了?
DIANA: So you had a partner ? 戴安娜:那你有个同伙?
DIANA: There was a stranger in the hallway. Then the lights went out. What's happening? 戴安娜:过道里有个陌生人。然后灯就熄了。发生了什么事?
DIANA: This treaty is a fake. 戴安娜:这个条约是件赝品。
DIANA: Tony, look. Maybe the fake treaty was made with these. Someone practiced Indian marks with this pen and ink. 戴安娜:托尼,你看,或许假条约就是用这些东西做的。有人用这只笔和墨水练过画印第安印记。
DIANA: Uh-huh. At the museum. He had to go to court first. He makes me mad. 戴安娜:嗯。在博物馆。他得先去法庭。他都要让我发疯了。
DIANA: Uncle Ben? What is it? 戴安娜:本叔叔?怎么了?
DIANA: We solved my uncle's murder. 戴安娜:我们破了我叔叔被谋杀的案子了。
DIANA: We were just looking for clues. 戴安娜:我们只是在寻找线索。
DIANA: We were trying to help. 戴安娜:我们只是想帮点忙。

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