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With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was tired to death.

With such a showbiz and money-making background, it should come as no surprise that the Lohans were quick to make use of their first child's precocious nature and red-haired and freckled good looks. 在这样娱乐业和金融业交织的家庭背景下,罗翰一家对长女琳赛的早熟性格、火红头发和长着雀斑的漂亮脸蛋迅速加以利用也就不足为奇了。
With such a wide difference in the time of the incorporation, and with the industries located in different parts of the country and influenced by local as well as other conditions, it is only natural that some of them must go opposite to the trend of the 具有很大的成立时间上的不同,产业定位于不同国家和领域,并受当地的其他环境条件影响,它们之中的一些将与指数趋势形成反方向运行仅仅是其自然本性的原因。
With such an attitude prevailing it is no wonder that the movement against Chiang in the upper circles often reduced itself to vicious snarls, gallows jokes and muttered imprecations. Our government is a fascist dictatorship,a minister would remark to a f 由于上层的人们普遍抱着这种态度,无怪乎他们的反蒋活动往往无非就是痛骂几声,挖苦几句和低声诅咒而已。
With such frightening statistics it is no wonder that more and more people are getting into shape. 这些数据如此惊人,难怪越来越多的人选择健身。
With such knowledge flowing from within, there was no need to look outside of oneself for a teacher or for wisdom. 在这种流自内在的知识下,没有必要去看往外在来寻找老师或智慧。
With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was tired to death. 16大利拉天天用话催逼他、甚至他心里烦闷要死。
With such resources to hand, they are becoming bolder (some would say less discriminating). 手边有着如此雄厚的资源,它们变得更加大胆(有些人说它们变得不再那么有洞察力)。
With such vibrational differences, there is no possibility of creating a divine union dance between the two in the form of shared sexual energy. 在这样的振动差异中,就不可能以分享性能量的方式在两者间创造一个神性联盟之舞。
With such works, the Chapmans challenge the very boundaries of taste, forcing the viewer into an uncomfortable position that fluctuates between child-like fascination and sheer revulsion. 查普曼兄弟利用这些作品来挑战观众品味的边界,强迫观众进入一个不安的波动于类似儿童魔力和反感的位置。
With superior foresight and professional insight in the market, we provide you Brand Identity System(trademark, logo, tagline and extension), Brand Image Communication(brand value positioning, personality clarification, celebrity building and event market 鹰孚咨询以富有前瞻性的战略眼光、敏锐的市场洞察一体化地为您策划品牌识别系统(商标、徽标、口号及其延伸),品牌形象传播(品牌价值定位、个性塑造、代言人塑造、品牌事件行销),以及形象设计代理等服务。
With superior quality and satisfying service system.we would try our best tp make “mile” as a fist-class and well-known brand in the world.and sincerely hope to cooperate with all the professionals both at home and aboard. 我们正以卓越的品质及完善的服务体系,创建一流的国际品牌,与国际友人和业内人士携手共创璀璨未来。

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