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77 cases of cervical tissues were constructed into tissue microarrays and the others were cut with the full tissue sections. Then, the expression of claudin_ was determined by immunohistochemistry.

7 .9% of eczema were taken place at the age of ~ months, .0% were at the age of months to years, and .% were at the age of ~ years. 发病年龄主要集中在~月龄之间,共例(7 .9%),>0.~岁者例( .0%),>~ 岁者 例( .%)。
7 cases of Serous cystadenoma(7 cases account for .%),8 cases of mucinous cystadenoma(8 cases account for 8.%) and cases of dermoid tumor( cases account for 7.7%)in pathology. 病理分型以浆液性囊腺瘤居多(7例,占 .%),其次为黏液性囊腺瘤(8例,占8.)和畸胎瘤(例,占7.7%)。
7% of oospore strains were medi-resistant, % of ones were resistant; 占7%的卵孢子菌株对甲霜灵表现为中抗,%的表现为抗性;
7.% of the infected persons harbored simple Necator americanus and .7% simple Ancylostoma duodenale , as shown by hookworm larva cultivation. The mixed infection rate was .% ( N.a.∶ A.d . = . 7∶). 9例钩虫幼虫鉴定结果,单纯美洲钩虫感染者占7.%,单纯十二指肠钩虫感染者占.7%,两种钩虫混合感染者占 .%,N.a.∶A.d.=. 7∶。
7 ciliate species were recorded. 共发现了 7种浮游纤毛虫 ;
77 cases of cervical tissues were constructed into tissue microarrays and the others were cut with the full tissue sections. Then, the expression of claudin_ was determined by immunohistochemistry. 其中77例制成组织芯片,8例使用普通切片,然后采用免疫组化染色检测claudin-的表达。
77.% patients were duodenal ulcer,0.% were oldster. 十二指肠球部溃疡并出血占77.%,年龄>0岁的7例,占0.%。 复合性溃疡占.%。
78 % of the cognitions of weight reducing were from newspapers or magazines and 8% were from classmates or friends. 对减肥的认知 78 %来自报纸杂志 , 8%来自朋友、同学。
78.9% of them felt remorse when the result of semen examination was normal. 精液检查结果正常 ,使 78.9%的不孕妇女内疚。
8 cases (.%) had theircatheter cuff slipped; 涤纶套脱出8例(.%);
8 cases of patients received treatment in our hospital from 97 to 99. cases were carcinoma of eccrine sweat glands, cases were carcinoma of apocrine glands. 本文收集了我院自97—99年间收治的汗腺癌8例,其中小汗腺癌例,大汗腺癌例。

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