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It is recognized by Chinese Olympic Committee as the sole legal association to represent China to participate in any international organization and activities for Taekwondo.

It is reasonable and inevitably for the transmitting. 这种风险的传导有其合理性、必然性。
It is reasonable and practicable that the equilibrium relationship between the gas relative humudity and the moisture of the pile is introduced into the mathematical simulation in transient process of the spontaneous heating. 结果还表明,把气流相对湿度与煤堆含水量之间的平衡关系引入自热过程的非稳态数学模型,不仅是可行的,而且能够更客观地描述实际煤堆的自热过程。
It is reassuring to be enquired after when you're ill. It shows your friends haven't stopped being concerned about you. 如果能询问一下你是何时生病的我们也就放心了。因为你的朋友一直在关心你。
It is reassuring to remember one fundamental axiom of source control: Nothing is ever destroyed. 再次强调一个关于配置控制的基本公理:没有任何历史东西会被删除。
It is recently recorded in Hong Kong and is thus of botanical interest. 香港是其分布区的最南端,因此具有科学研究价值。
It is recognized by Chinese Olympic Committee as the sole legal association to represent China to participate in any international organization and activities for Taekwondo. 本协会依法对中国跆拳道运动进行管理,现有团体会员31个(全国各省、自治区、直辖市跆拳道协会),个人会员正在逐步发展壮大,目前已接近百万之众。
It is recognized that the concerted characteristics of the earthquake focal mechanism of earthquake sequence for various types are different. 认识到,不同类型的地震序列其震源机制的一致性特徵不同。
It is recommended for daytime wear. 推荐在白天使用。
It is recommended that PPIC may consider sponsoring MYR in Pakistan. 建议PPIC能考虑发起巴基斯坦的最高产量研究。
It is recommended that a separate bank account, with the appropriate committee chair as cosignatory, be established for these funds. 建议这些款项应该存入独立的银行户头,并由适当的委员会主席担任户头的连署签名人来确立这些资金。
It is recommended that anodes be not fitted to face plates of higher tensile steel l0ngitudinals. 例1:建议阳极尽可能不装在高强度钢纵骨的面板上。

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