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Defend a sugar for fortress first, must give to get the lock spoon towards would let go of bridge, after let go of will, will help you to get hold of for the squirrel 1 candy squirrel that it want, behind of BE also similar, you can try.

Defects caused by tumor ablation and traumatic injuries pose great challenges to the surgeon because a variety of options are available to reconstruct the disfigured ear. 对于外科医师而言,要弥补它因肿瘤切除或创伤所造成的缺损,是个极大的挑战。
Defects in Na transport have been described in normotensive children of hypertensive parents. 我们已在双亲患高血压而儿童血压正常部分对钠转运缺陷进行了阐述。
Defence - Entire back 4 have had a minor mentality, freedom and closingdown increase, this helps them closedown the opposition more, cutting out passes and crosses rather than constantly sitting too far back. 四个后卫的心态,自由度和紧逼都轻微的增加了,这使他们能够更加紧逼对手,而不是与对手保持一定距离。
Defence - Full Backs now have backwards-arrows, this helps cut out opponents crosses, altough will cost you afew crosses also. 防守:边后卫向后拉一格,以帮助边后卫紧逼对手来减少对手传中,当然你自己的传中机会也会减少。
Defence Secretary Des Browne said he was very saddenedby the death of three brave men who were tragically killed in what is believed to be a friendly fire incident. 国防部长德斯-布朗说,“三名勇士在友军炮火误伤事件中惨遭杀害”他感到“非常悲伤”。
Defend a sugar for fortress first, must give to get the lock spoon towards would let go of bridge, after let go of will, will help you to get hold of for the squirrel 1 candy squirrel that it want, behind of BE also similar, you can try. 先给城堡守卫一颗糖,一定要给对才会放下桥,放下后就要得到锁匙,给松鼠一颗它要的糖果松鼠会帮你拿到,后面的也是类似的,你可以试试.
Defend or critique it by drawing on some of the theoretical positions we have examined this term. 利用本学期我们研究的理论观点,支持或者反驳这一观点。
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. 3你们当为贫寒的人和孤儿伸冤。当为困苦和穷乏的人施行公义。
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. 3你们当为贫寒的人和孤儿伸冤。当为困苦和穷乏的人施行公义。
Defend us from the enemies, Jesus. 捍卫我们的敌人,耶稣.
Defendant waived sovereign immunity from this action by statute. 被告于此件诉讼中,依法已经放弃国家赋予的主权豁免权。

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