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Global warming, too, ought to be centre-stage.

Global trade imbalance, like energy, should also be viewed from a dialectical perspective and in the context of world economic development. 如同能源问题一样,对全球贸易不平衡问题,我们也应该用辩证的眼光、从世界经济发展的角度去看待。
Global warming is extending the Aedes mosquitoes' habitat so that dengue has now marched north from Latin America to the southern United States. 全球变暖使伊蚊的栖息地扩展以至于登革热病毒从北方的拉丁美洲一直进军到美国南部。
Global warming may make matters significantly worse. 全球变暖可能加剧麻烦。
Global warming over the coming century could mean a return of temperatures last seen in the age of the dinosaur and lead to the extinction of up to half of all species, a scientist said. 一位科学家指出,未来一个世纪的全球暖化,恐意谓地球的气温将重回在恐龙时代出现的高温,进而导致多达半数物种灭绝。
Global warming will become a top cause of extinction from the tropical Andes to South Africa with thousands of species of plants and animals likely to be wiped out in coming decades, a study said. 研究显示,全球暖化将成为热带安地斯山脉至南非等地生物灭种的主要原因,数千种动植物可能在未来数十年内被摧毁殆尽。
Global warming, too, ought to be centre-stage. 全球变暖也应居于显著位置。
Global willingness to save and lend is running ahead of investment. 在全球范围内,人们对储蓄和借贷的兴趣都远大于投资。
Global-level variables were accessible to the entire application. 全局变量在整个程序有效。
Globalisation has also proceeded apace: between 1970 and 2004, exports as a proportion of world output doubled to more than 25 per cent; new technologies have diffused rapidly across the globe; and total private financing of developing countries reached n 全球化进程也在迅速前行:1970年至2004年之间,出口在全球经济产出中所占的份额已增长一倍,达到25%以上;新技术在全球范围内迅速传播;2004年,发展中国家的私人融资总额达到了近1万亿美元。
Globalisation has lifted profits relative to wages in several ways. 全球化已经在几个方面提高了与工资有关的利润。
Globalisation has made markets more responsive and flexible. 受全球化影响,市场越来越灵活应变。

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