The photographer should be a silent observer of a situation.
摄影记者在现场是沉默的观察家。 |
The photographer tells the world with his camera.
摄影师用摄影机阐释生活。 |
The photographer took a photo of a herd of elephants.
这位摄影师拍了一张象群的照片。 |
The photographer took some snapshots of the models.
摄影师照了一些模特的快照。 |
The photographer uses the camera to illustrate the life.
摄影师用摄影机阐释生活。 |
The photographer was cited for two misdemeanor counts of assault and battery.
事后该名摄影师被法庭控以殴打他人罪。 |
The photographers developed the film by treating it with chemicals.
摄影师用化学药剂使底片显影。 |
The photographic equipment will be kept in steel safe. The keys will be kept by Marketing Communications Manager and MarCom Coordinator.
照相器材保存在保险箱内,钥匙由公关部经理及助理保存。 |
The photographic film and film camera markets have been shrinking rapidly in the past few years due to the rising popularity of digital cameras, which can take and store photos without the need for film.
胶片摄影和胶片相机市场近年由于数码相机的迅速流行而快速萎缩,数码相机不需要胶片就可以拍摄和存储照片。 |
The photographic image... is a message without a code.
照片...是一种没有代码的讯息。 |
The photographs from Tibet were certainly eye-openers.
西藏的照片令人大开眼界。 |