Critics say the administration is ignoring political developments in Cuba, where Raúl is showing signs of a less doctrinaire style of rule.
批评者认为,美国当局无视古巴政治局势的发展变化,劳尔正给出种种信号,表示教条主义统治色彩在淡化。 |
Critics say the bill would have made it much tougher for genuine refugees to be able to settle in Australia.
评论家们认为这一法案使得真正的难民要在澳大利亚定居变得更为艰难。 |
Critics say the document does not adequately protect religious freedom and women's rights.
批评家说文本并不是充分地保护宗教自由和妇女权利。 |
Critics say the policy has led to forced abortions and a dangerously imbalanced sex ratio due to a traditional preference for male heirs, which has prompted countless families to abort female fetuses in hopes of getting boys.
批评人士认为,计划生育政策使很多具有“重男轻女”传统思想的家庭进行了选择性人工堕胎,由此造成了我国男女比例的严重失调。 |
Critics say the proposal is unfairly aimed at mostly Hispanic immigrants who enter the country to find jobs.
批评者说,这个提案不公正地把矛头对准了到美国寻找工作的人,这些人大部份是拉美裔。 |
Critics say the shrine glorifies Japan's militaristic past, but Koizumi says he visits the shrine to pray for peace.
批评人士说,靖国神社美化日本军国主义的历史,但是小泉说,他参拜靖国神社是为了祈祷和平。 |
Critics say there may be unknown risks.
评论家称,可能存在未知的风险。 |
Critics the world over have often loudly lamented that the movie musical is a dead art form.
世上曾为人所知的前任评论家们认定音乐剧电影是一种死亡的艺术形式。 |
Critique of Microeconomics. The Economy Publishing House, Beijing, China, 2004.
余斌著,《微观经济学批判》,北京:中国经济出版社,2004年。 |
Critique the Clinton Health Plan.
评论克林顿的医疗计划。 |
Critter Enlarger : Enlarges a critter to twice its normal size.
生物放大器:把可爱的小动物变大到2倍。 |