Lucius sends Draco press clippings which could prove useful in embarrassing or harassing Potter or the Weasleys.
卢修斯寄给德拉科的剪报能有效地使波特和韦斯莱们感到尴尬和恼怒。 |
Luck He does not have much.
运气他没有很多。 |
Luck is the attentive photographer's best teacher.
运气是用心摄影师之最好的老师。 |
Luck sometimes visits a fool, but it never sits down with him.
幸运会降临一个傻瓜头上,但不会永远陪伴他。 |
Luck was a factor in his success.
幸运是他成功的一个因素。 |
Luck will do for skill, but not consistently.
运气可能会弥补技术上的缺陷,但不会长久。 |
Luck would have it that Fleming had decided not to store his culture in a warm incubator, and that London was then hit by a cold spell, giving the mold a chance to grow.
彷佛是幸运之神的眷顾,佛莱明决定不要把培养菌放在温暖的培养器中,然后冷峰侵袭了伦敦,给了霉菌生长的机会。 |
Luck. Luck again. Always luck on these Nights. I had not seen the man, not guessed he was there. But he would have seen me. If not for Luck. !
运气,绝对的运气,今天晚上总是这样的运气,我竟然没有看见那里面还有人。要是他看到我,事情就棘手了。 |
Luck. Working on the right problem at the right time. If you work long enough` the law of averages will catch up with you (for good or for bad).
好运气。在正确的时间工作在合适的问题上。久而久之,就会得到幸运的垂青。 |
Luckily Hank didn't know he had walked into the “final area” where unclaimed dogs were scheduled to be put down.
幸好汉克不知道他已经走入“终点区”——无人愿意领养的狗被集中在这里,等候生命终止。 |
Luckily I was more scared than hurt.
幸运的是,我只是有点害怕,并没有受伤。 |