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The ratification of design should not only be the tool for the marketing of products, but also the mark of the internal poetic life of humanity, thus becoming the way of constructing new images of life.

The rates for Advisors provided from within P.R.China are inclusive rates applicable for each day actually worked. 对从中华人民共和国境内选派的专家采用包干的办法、按实际工作的天数按日计费。
The rates of visa and certificate fees shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 各项签证、证件的收费标准,由公安部和外交部另行制定。
The rather broad lady showed up at the theater just before the performance started and handed the usher two tickets. Where's the other party?asked the usher. 在演出即将开始前,一个长得相当粗壮的女士来到戏院,递给引座员两张票。引座员问:“请问另一位在哪?”
The rather incredible chain of events in Carter's life has remarkable parallels to the movie that uses his song. 这部收录了他的歌曲的电影在剧情上和卡特的一连串令人难以置信的经历惊人的相似。
The rather louche glamour of Monaco's royal family is nothing compared with the fading but still palpable grandeur of the British monarchy. 这丁点摩洛哥王室家族的魅力只会渐渐地凋落,但是对于英国的君主政治来说仍然是一种真实的显赫。
The ratification of design should not only be the tool for the marketing of products, but also the mark of the internal poetic life of humanity, thus becoming the way of constructing new images of life. 设计的艺术化不应及及作为企业家推销产品的工具,更应当内在地成为人类诗意生活的标志,成为构筑生活新形象的途径。
The rating system is undergoing some/a complete restructuring. 房地产税制正在进行某些[全面的]调整.
The ratio between carbon 12 and carbon 13 is roughly 90 to one in the atmosphere, but it can differ appreciably in volcanic gases. 大气中碳12和碳13的比例大约是90:1,但在火山气体中的比例往往大不相同。
The ratio between the threshold retinal irradiance for light damage to the solar spectral irradiance at each wavelength provides a starting point for this. 每个波长光强度的极限值,以及对应的太阳光强度,所得的比例(估且称为极限比例),可以作为安全系数的计算起点.
The ratio changed when Umbridge became Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in OP - but only until Dumbledore brought in Firenze after the sacking of Trelawney. 在《凤凰社》里,这个平衡因乌姆里奇担任黑魔法防御术教师而偏斜--但等邓布利多在特里劳妮被辞之后让费伦泽教占卜课时,这个平衡又恢复了。
The ratio exportable boxes/harvested bunches, also increased indicating that more bananas of export quality were being harvested. 出口货箱数/收获蕉串数的比值也增加,说明达到出口质量的香蕉更多。

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