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Conjugate deviation of the eyes is of help in determining the locus of lesion in brain stem.

Congresswoman Pelosi says Democrats want to expand opportunity and protect the middle class by reducing the deficit and expanding health care for children and veterans. 佩洛西说,民主党人希望通过减少赤字并加强儿童和退役军人的医疗保健工作而为中产阶层提供更多的机会和保护。
Conical seating at an angle to flow is self aligning, tight and always closed in a no-flow situation. Even in vertical (flow-up) pipe runs, this valve provides exceptionally tight shutoff. 圆锥形阀座与流向具有一定的角度,能够自行调整,在无流体状态下能够始终紧密关闭。甚至在垂直(流向朝上)管道上,这种阀门具有特别紧密地关闭特性。
Conidia are cut off externally in chains at the apex of a specialized hypha, the conidiophore. 分生孢子是由分生孢子囊梗的顶端或侧面产生的一种不动孢子,借气流或动物传播的。
Conidium (conidiospore) (pl.conidia) An asexual spore of certain fungi, especially of the Ascomycota and Fungi Anamorphici e.g. 分生孢子(无性孢子):某些真菌产生的无性孢子。
Conjoint analysis shows that interpersonal relationships between customers and service providers serve as a disincentive but are less important than both switching costs and marketing variables. 联合分析的结果显示,寿险业顾客在同时考虑现有服务者的关系,转换成本,及其他厂商的行销变数时,人际关系虽然有助于防止顾客转换厂商,但其相对重要性远低于行销变数与转换成本。
Conjugate deviation of the eyes is of help in determining the locus of lesion in brain stem. 摘要生理性的眼球运动,两眼动作共轭,一旦眼球运动不共轭时,即所谓「共轭偏视」。
Conjugated polymers: Synthesis and electro-optical property investigation. 共轭高分子的合成及光电性能研究。
Conjugated protein A protein that on hydrolysis yields not only amino acids but also other organic and inorganic substances. 结合蛋白质:一种蛋白质,它水解后不但能够产生氨基酸而且能够产生其他有机或无机物质。
Conjunctival transplantation after keratectomy has been very successful in unilateral chemical and thermal injury. 8 months follow-up of 11 unilateral burn patients treated by conjunctival transplantation shows: 11 are stabilized of the ocular surface, 9 摘要经化学或热灼伤之病人其眼部表面受到伤害,常会有角膜表皮愈合不良,纤维血管增生而致表面不规则,角膜混浊等并发症。
Conjure Flame: no longer removes Enchantments. 召唤火焰:不再移除所有加持了.
Conjure Quartz Ring - Summons a ring that boosts INT and WIS and adds the ability See Invisibility. 召唤能增加智力和智慧的耳环,同时能附加隐身能力。

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