That myth, again, depicts women as passive treasures- unsullied by uglyemotions like anger, resentment, desire, or the wish for a better life. |
中文意思: 那个故事再一次显示女人作为被动的“财产”而存在——因为其没有诸如愤怒、怨恨、贪婪、希望过更好的生活等“丑陋”感情而显得洁白无暇。 |
That must have been true back in the Pliocene, more than two million years ago, when meat was added to the menu of our plant-chomping forebears.
菜单上多了肉,对于我们那些生存于200万年前上新世、咀嚼著植物的祖先来说,也一样有风险。 |
That must have tasted awful. - Mommy!
一定是很难吃的。-妈! |
That must take its toll on them.
那样一定对它们造成损耗。 |
That my exist is a perpetual surprise which is life !
我的存在,是一个永恒的奇迹,而这就是人生! |
That my heart has been troubled, that I have not sought this nomination, that I could not seek it in good conscience, that I would not seek it in honest self appraisal, is not to say that I value it the less.
我的心曾充满苦恼,我在寻求提名过程中并不主动,也没有全力以赴,更没有给自己一个正确的评价,但这并不说明我低估了提名的价值。 |
That myth, again, depicts women as passive treasures- unsullied by uglyemotions like anger, resentment, desire, or the wish for a better life.
那个故事再一次显示女人作为被动的“财产”而存在——因为其没有诸如愤怒、怨恨、贪婪、希望过更好的生活等“丑陋”感情而显得洁白无暇。 |
That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever.
那一沉重教训根除了他凡事爱打听的毛病。 |
That nation is famous for its tourism.
那个国家以旅游业闻名。 |
That naughty boy drew a cartoon of his teacher on a sheet of paper.
那个淘气的男孩在一张 纸上给老师画漫画. |
That necktie is not in accordance with my business suit.
这条领带和我的西装不相配。 |
That need much hard working!
那需要很多的辛勤工作。 |