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Study on decortication and detoxification of bitter almond and decolorization of almond oil;

Selective prostaglandins EP_1 receptor antagonist inhibits afferent activity of Cunit of saphenous nerve in diabetic rats; 选择性前列腺素EP_1受体阻断剂抑制糖尿病大鼠隐神经中C单位的传入活动
The animal models of osteoporsis caused by denervatation were made. 选用健康Wistar大鼠40只,随机分成4组,建立了失神经大鼠骨质疏松模型。
To study the treatment of thoracic vertebral fracture with chest injury; 胸椎骨折合并胸外伤的外科治疗
Treatment of thoracolumbar vertebral fractures with AF system; 胸腰椎骨折AF钉系统内固定的应用
Study on decortication and detoxification of bitter almond and decolorization of almond oil; 杏仁脱皮去苦及杏仁油脱色研究
Study on decortication and detoxification of bitter almond and decolorization of almond oil; 杏仁脱皮去苦及杏仁油脱色研究
Extraction of Separated Almond Protein; 杏仁分离蛋白提取工艺的研究
Processing technology for almond and soybean milk beverage; 杏仁豆奶植物蛋白饮料的加工工艺
The correlation between the BMD of fresh and embalmed vertebral body; 新鲜与防腐标本椎体骨密度的相关研究
Survey of megluming cyclic adenylate in preventing of cardiovascular stress reaction of endotracheal intubation; 心先安预防气管内插管时心血管应激反应的观察
Study on Extraction Technology of Water-soluble Active Principles of Salvia miltiorrhiza in Xinshu Dripping Pills; 心舒滴丸中丹参水溶性成分提取工艺研究

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