Moving amongst the astral dream pools is usually a hit or miss affair for most projectors. It takes a lot of experience to make planned astral journeys to specific realities.
对大多数投射者来说,在星体层的梦界中移动是无意中进入或是出于失误。需要经验丰富,才能按计划到特定的现实中进行星体造访。 |
Moving around is such hard )work.
到处移动是如此的硬式)工作。 |
Moving around the maps is a pleasure because the application is very responsive and quick.
在地图浏览是一件很愉快的事因为这个应用程序是非常快作出响应的。 |
Moving at a slow pace, you'll cover several hundred miles from the state of Tamil Nadu to Kerala, pausing in small towns to hike through ruins and witness temple ceremonies in which Brahman priests swing flaming candelabra.
节奏缓慢地行走,你将穿越从泰米尔那都到喀拉拉几百英里的地区,在城镇间停留,然后徒步穿过废墟,并成为寺庙典礼的见证人,在那里婆罗门的司祭会摇晃着点燃的枝状大烛台。 |
Moving cross the borders of my secret life 。。
穿越我秘密生活的边界。。。 |
Moving cross the borders of my secret life 。。。I bite my lip 。。。And my heart is like ice 。。。in my secret life 。。
穿越我秘密生活的边界。。。我一言不发。。。而我的内心寒冷如冰。。。在我的秘密生活里。。。 |
Moving display strings into string resources makes an application easier to localize without rewriting the program.
你有没有把你要的字符串资源加入到程序中?看看帮助! |
Moving downstream with animal feces in storm water runoff or with human waste in sewage overflows and septic-tank leaks, the waterborne microbes can cause liver disease, respiratory infections and potentially fatal gastrointestinal disorders.
不论是随著暴雨迳流而来的动物粪便,或是污水排放管、化粪池渗滤系统中的人类排泄物顺流而下,水媒微生物都会引起肝病、呼吸道感染,以及可能致命的肠胃疾病。 |
Moving even slightly backwards, irregular or jerky steps with the hind or font legs, no clear diagonal steps, crossing either the fore or hind legs, or swinging either the forehand or the hindquarters from one side to the other, getting wide behind or in
即使是稍稍向后退,后肢踏步不规律或不平稳,没有明显的对角步,前肢或前后肢交叉,前躯或后躯左右摇摆,前肢或后肢张开,或是太多往前的踏步等都是严重缺点。 |
Moving first vs. moving last, when to capitalize on the element of surprise, and other applications of the ideas of strategic substitutes and strategic complements.
先下手对后下手:何时利用惊喜因素以及其他战略替代和战略补充的理念运用。 |
Moving from one coach with a tremendous track record to another, the Houston Rockets have agreed to terms with Rick Adelman to replace Jeff Van Gundy, the Houston Chronicle reports.
休城的教鞭从一名战绩卓著的教练手中移交给了另一位同样卓著的主帅——据休斯敦纪事报报道,火箭队已经与阿德尔曼在具体细节上达成一致,阿德尔曼将接任范甘迪。 |