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Till date more than half of the treated wastewater, or 360 million cubic meters, has been reused both in the agricultural and industrial sectors, especially in cooling towers of power plants.

Till I kissed her younger sister and forgot my Clementine. 直到我亲吻到她的妹妹,才能忘记我的克莱门泰。
Till Ming Dynasty, this art image still incarnated a Utopian bourn of a joint of sensibility, nature and faeries which was pursued by literator estate. 在明代,这一审美意象仍然体现着文人阶层所追求的诗情、自然与天仙连成一片的理想境界。
Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life. 23直等箭穿他的肝,如同雀鸟急入网罗,却不知是自丧己命。
Till another king arose, which knew not Joseph. 18直到有不晓得约瑟的新王兴起。
Till date I hate swimming and my teacher for subjecting me to this torture. 直到我讨厌游泳讨厌老师让我适应这种折磨。。
Till date more than half of the treated wastewater, or 360 million cubic meters, has been reused both in the agricultural and industrial sectors, especially in cooling towers of power plants. 迄今为止,大约有超过一半的,面积达3千六百万立方米的被处理废水在农业和工业得到了再利用,尤其是用来冷却发电厂的铁塔。
Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing. 21他还要以喜乐充满你的口,以欢呼充满你的嘴。
Till his body was bathed in the stream of my blood. 直到他的尸体沐浴着我的血流.
Till human voices wake us, and we drown. 直到人类的声音惊醒我们,我们就溺死.
Till now the engineers manpower is increased to 150 and expected to reach to 500 by end of 2008. 到目前为止员工人数已达150人并预计在2008年底达到500人。
Till now, clients had great appraise on our quality of service. 到目前为止,顾客对我们的服务质量评价甚高。

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