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Decrease maintenance costs while optimizing file size by dynamically loading JPEG and MP3 media files at runtime.

Decoration, as a kind of conformation of culture embodies human's appetite and art pleasure with thousands years vicissitude of China. 装饰作为一种文化形态,伴随着中国几千年社会生活的变迁,体现着人的生命欲求和艺术鉴赏。
Decoration,furniture,wood carving,handles,joinery and inlaid work. 装饰材﹐唐木家俱﹐雕刻木艺品﹐木质手把﹐细木器。
Decoration: not occupy more space does not affect the external tiles decorated with stickers. 装饰性:不会占用较多空间,不影响外部贴瓷砖装饰处理.
Decorative arts, minerals, colonial arts, and photography. 收藏装饰艺术、矿物、殖民时之艺术和照片。
Decoying technology is effective means that deal with the anti-radiation weapon.Based on the noncoherent decoy theory,a radar decoy model is established in RFSS.The sixty-four-dollar question about confirming the coordinates of decoy on the array is discu 诱偏技术是对付反辐射武器的有效手段;在分析多点源非相干诱偏理论的基础上,结合射频仿真,对多点源非相干诱饵与反辐射武器的相对位置关系进行了研究,并给出了算法,建立了模型,最后通过仿真对其进行了验证;这对射频仿真系统功能的完善、反辐射武器的抗诱偏性能评估的研究都具有重要的参考价值。
Decrease maintenance costs while optimizing file size by dynamically loading JPEG and MP3 media files at runtime. 在运行的时候,通过动态的加载JPEG和MP3优化文件的大小,可以减少维护的工作量。
Decrease stasis and anticoagulation can be used as efficient prevented and therapeutic methods for the disease. 此外,本文还介绍了微血管血栓的形成机制和防治。
Decrease the usage of white dye because of prossessing good opacity. 白色不透明可减少白色颜料使用量。
Decreased breath sounds may be noted with a pleural effusion, COPD, atelectasis and pneumothorax. 呼吸音减低则可以在胸腔积液、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)、肺不张和气胸时被发现。
Decreased interbracket distance and limited working space in the molar area force clinicians to make the uprighting appliances with arduous wire bending and/or time consuming laboratory procedures. 本方法简单、容易,单、双侧病例均适用:也可应用于扶正其他近心阻生大臼齿。
Decreases by 20% per rank the amount of damage taken when offhand attacks encounter a damage shield. 每一阶可以降低副手武器被伤害盾反弹的机率20%。要求:等级66。

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