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Taming the alga Spirulina by prolonging sunshine time and cultivating it in sea water

Study of stereotactic digitalized thalamus atlas on MRI 中国人MRI立体定向丘脑数字化图谱的研制
Studies on the Condition of Phytase Produced by Penicillium and Its Purification 青霉植酸酶生产条件及纯化的研究
Changes of SOD, MDA and GSH-Px in Sera of Monglian Gerbils 不同生长阶段长爪沙鼠血清中氧化与抗氧化物质含量变化
Analysis of variations in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus complete genome sequences SARS冠状病毒全基因组序列的变异分析
Synthesis of Dicarboxylic Esters by Lipase 固定化脂肪酶合成二元酸酯
Taming the alga Spirulina by prolonging sunshine time and cultivating it in sea water 延长光照时间和海水驯养钝顶螺旋藻的研究
Modern Study Developments of Sedum Aizoon 土三七的现代研究进展
Comparison and analysis of insulin sequences and their coded mRNA and DNA among different species 不同物种间胰岛素及其编码mRNA,DNA序列比较与分析
T cell homeostatic proliferation associated with autoimmunity and antitumor immunity T细胞稳态增殖与自身免疫
Comparison of Clinical Outcome in Embryos Generated from Conventional IVF and ICSI 常规体外受精-胚胎移植与卵胞浆内单精子注射临床结果比较
The Measurement of NK Cells Activity and Interferon Titers in Murine Coxsackievirus B3 Induced Myocarditis 实验性小鼠柯萨奇B3病毒心肌炎自然杀伤细胞活性和干扰素测定

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