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Article 30 After the industrial property rights and proprietary technology priced as contributing investment have been put to use, the examining and approving organ has the power to carry out inspection.

Article 30 A lawyer who serves as an agent ad litem may consult materials pertaining to the case in accordance with relevant provisions, and may also investigate among and collect evidence from the organizations and citizens concerned. 第三十条代理诉讼的律师,可以依照规定查阅本案有关材料,可以向有关组织和公民调查,收集证据。
Article 30 A metrological supervisor who transgresses the law and neglects his duty,where the circumstances are serious,shall be investigated for criminal responsibility pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.If the circumstances are mino 第三十条计量监督人员违法失职,情节严重的,依照《刑法》有关规定追究刑事责任;情节轻微的,给予行政处分。
Article 30 A surviving spouse who remarries is entitled to dispose of the property he or she has inherited, subject to no interference by any other person. 第三十条夫妻一方死亡后另一方再婚的,有权处分所继承的财产,任何人不得干涉。
Article 30 A taxpayer unable to pay taxes on schedule due to special difficulties may, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph one of Article 20 of the Tax Administration Law, be granted an extension subject to approval by the taxation authority an 第三十条纳税人因有特殊困难,依照税收征管法第二十条第一款规定,经税务机关批准延期缴纳税款的,在批准的期限内,不加收滞纳金。
Article 30 Acts of martial-law-enforcing officers for performing their tasks in accordance with law shall be protected by law. 第三十条戒严执勤人员依法执行任务的行为受法律保护。
Article 30 After the industrial property rights and proprietary technology priced as contributing investment have been put to use, the examining and approving organ has the power to carry out inspection. 第三十条作价出资的工业产权、专有技术实施后,审批机关有权进行检查。
Article 30 After the occurrence of a severely destructive earthquake which causes tremendous losses, the State Council shall set up a headquarters for resisting the earthquake and providing disaster relief, which shall mobilize the departments concerned t 第三十条造成特大损失的严重破坏性地震发生后,国务院应当成立抗震救灾指挥机构,组织有关部门实施破坏性地震应急预案。
Article 30 An arbitration tribunal may comprise three arbitrators or one arbitrator. If an arbitration tribunal comprises three arbitrators, a presiding arbitrator shall be appointed. 第三十条仲裁庭可以由三名仲裁员或者一名仲裁员组成。由三名仲裁员组成的,设首席仲裁员。
Article 30 Children shall have respect for their parentsmatrimonial rights and shall not interfere in their parentsremarriage and postnuptial life. 第三十条子女应当尊重父母的婚姻权利,不得干涉父母再婚以及婚后的生活。
Article 30 Coal mining enterprises shall exercise strict supervision, inspection and control of coal product quality. Such quality shall be graded according to the national or trade standards. 第三十条煤矿企业应当加强煤炭产品质量的监督检查和管理。煤炭产品质量应当按照国家标准或者行业标准分等论级。
Article 30 During liquidation, a sole proprietorship enterprise may not engage in any business activity unrelated to the liquidation. 第三十条清算期间,个人独资企业不得开展与清算目的无关的经营活动。

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