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Then, when the newness wears off, they begin to hate the new culture.

Then, what is the basis of government service? 然而政府服务的理论基础又是什么呢?
Then, when Grendel's mom comes looking for revenge, he kills her, too. 之后,当格兰戴尔的母亲前来复仇,他也杀了她。
Then, when He began His public ministry, He had a gigantic effect upon human history. 然后,他开始了向公众布道的工作,从此对人类历史形成了巨大的影响力。
Then, when friends of friends sought her out, she started a business, College Admission Consultants, to advise students. 后来当朋友的朋友找上她时,她开创了「大学入学顾问」的事业,专门给学生入学建议。
Then, when our Lord returns, we shall eat it anew with him in his Kingdom. 当我们的主降临的时候,我们可以和他在神国里一同分享喜宴。
Then, when the newness wears off, they begin to hate the new culture. 然后,当新鲜感渐渐消失后,他们开始憎恨新的文化。
Then, when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat; and they were frightened. 约6:19门徒摇橹约行了十里多路、看见耶稣在海面上走、渐渐近了船、他们就害怕。
Then, when they had rowed about twenty-five or thirty stadia, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they became frightened. 19门徒摇橹约行了五、六公里,看见耶稣在海上行走,渐渐近了船,他们就害怕。
Then, when you're ready for a long-term commitment to mutual funds that own stocks, consider an inexpensive index fund that invests in many different types of large companies. 然后,当您准备好对持有股票的共有基金进行长期投资时,可以考虑以各种不同方式投资大公司的低价格指数基金。
Then, while everyone watched Bank Robber A, Bank Teller B calmly lifted off the top section of the cashbox and slipped bills from the bottom section into his pockets. 当大伙都盯着强盗甲的时候,出纳乙沉着地把盒子里下层的钞票偷偷塞进了自己的口袋。
Then, why does he come here? 那他为什么来这里呢?

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