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The old Welshman came home toward daylight, spattered with candle-grease, smeared with clay, and almost worn out.

The old Nationalist revolutionaries could not steel their hearts to overthrow their despot. 国民党的元老们下不了狠心去推翻他们的专制寡头。
The old Norse heathen had a truer notion of God's world than these poor Machine-Sceptics; the old Heathen Norse were sincere men. 古老的诺斯异教徒比起我们这些机器怀疑论者,对于神的世界,观念还更真实,因为他们至少是真诚的。
The old Roman armies had several generals who took command by turns. 古罗马的军队由几位大将轮流指挥。
The old Shanghai displayed in these films, different from the one in the 1930s films, is given a weak political image and characteristic of the internationality, consumption and vulgarity. 与20世纪30年代电影中的上海形象相比,怀旧电影中的老上海淡化了政治色彩,被赋予国际化、消费化和世俗化特征。
The old Shed terrace was replaced with temporary seating for a couple of years before work began on the new Shed End. 老舒赫特看台在这两年已经被临时的座席取代,新的舒赫特看台在97年开始动工。
The old Welshman came home toward daylight, spattered with candle-grease, smeared with clay, and almost worn out. 天快亮时老威尔斯曼回了家,他浑身滴满蜡烛油,蹭满泥土,差点累得精疲力竭。
The old abbey ruins look very romantic in the moonlight. 古修道院的废墟在月光下显得颇有浪漫气息。
The old actor made a successful comeback after twenty years. 那位老演员二十年后卷土重来,马到成功。
The old adage well begun is half doneapplies to strike strategy as well as to other activities. The first blow is often decisive. 古老的谚语“良好的开端是成功的一半”,同样可以运用在罢工的策略及其他的活动上。首次的打击常常是决定性的。
The old adage sums up the approach parasites are expected to take with their victims. 这句古老的谚语,将寄生虫对付宿主的守则一语道破。
The old adage that out of sight is outof mind is directly applicable here. 古语有云看不到,想不到,用在这里十分恰当。

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