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Ban on women dealing with male shopkeepers.

Ban expressed hope that the United States, the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter , would take the political lead in searching for a successor to the Kyoto treaty, which expires in 2012. 他希望美国能够在政策上带领全球达成诸如2012年到期的《京都议定书》的协议。
Ban had earlier told reporters that South Korea supports an emergency Security Council meeting following North Korea's nuclear test. 潘基文此前曾对记者表示,南韩支援安理会就北韩进行核子试验召开的紧急会议。
Ban had earlier told reporters that South Korea supports an emergency Security Council meeting following North Korea‘s nuclear test. 潘基文此前曾对记者表示,韩国支持安理会就朝鲜进行核试验召开的紧急会议。
Ban is the former South Korean foreign minister, and he has been at the helm of the United Nations for just seven months. 潘基文是韩国前外交部长,他在联合国任职仅七个月时间。
Ban on women being treated by male doctors. 女性不可以接受男性医生诊疗。
Ban on women dealing with male shopkeepers. 女性不可以和商店男性人员接触。
Ban on women's wearing brightly colored clothes. In Taliban terms, these are sexually attracting colors. 女人不可以穿颜色鲜豔的衣服,依照塔利班的说法她们是「具有性诱惑的色彩」。
Ban said he had had emergency telephone conferences with his US and Japanese counterparts. 潘基文表示,他已与美国外交部长和日本外交大臣召开了紧急电话会议。
Ban said in Seoul Wednesday that any nuclear test by the North would shake the foundation of international no roliferation effortsand further isolate North Korea. 潘基文星期三在首尔说,北韩进行的任何核试验将“动摇国际社会核不扩散努力的基础”,并将使北韩更加孤立。
Ban said in Seoul Wednesday that any nuclear test by the North would shake the foundation of international nonproliferation effortsand further isolate North Korea. 潘基文星期三在首尔说,北韩进行的任何核试验将“动摇国际社会核不扩散努力的基础”,并将使北韩更加孤立。
Ban says, as secretary-general, he will work to make the United Natio more tra arent and effective. 潘基文说,作为联合国秘书长,他将致力于把联合国变得更透明和更有效。

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