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Effect of La on Growth Status and Physiological Property of Pisum sativum L.Seedlings under Cd Stress

Cloning and Sequence of EIN3 Gene from Cucumis sativus,Citrullus lanatus and Cucurbita maxima 黄瓜、西瓜和南瓜EIN3基因片段的克隆与序列分析
Studies on marine cyanobacteria genomics 海洋蓝藻基因组学研究
Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyl on the Developmental by Metamorphosis of Xenopus Laevis 多氯联苯对非洲爪蟾变态发育的影响研究
Effect of Different Temperature on Estimates of Polyphenolics and Condensed Tannins of Two Casuarina Species 不同温度处理对两种木麻黄单宁提取的影响
Environmental Changes and Human Movements in the Hake Area During Holocene 哈克地区全新世生态环境演变与人类文化的发展轨迹
Effect of La on Growth Status and Physiological Property of Pisum sativum L.Seedlings under Cd Stress 镧对镉胁迫下豌豆幼苗生长状况和生理特性的影响
Construction and preparation of helper-dependent adenoviral vector expressing human respiratory syncytial virus F gene 可表达人呼吸道合胞病毒融合蛋白辅助病毒依赖型腺病毒载体的构建与制备
Polygonum jucundum var. rotundum Z. Z. Zhou 中国安徽蓼科蓼属一新变种——圆基愉悦蓼
Morphogenesis and Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Tissue in the Embryo Development 胚胎发育中骨骼肌组织的形成及调控
Expression of Alternaria tenuissima peaT2 gene in Pichia pastoris and its function 细极链格孢菌peaT2基因在毕赤酵母中的表达及蛋白功能确定
Influence of Bifidobacterium DNA on MAPK,PKC and NF-kB of macrophages 双歧杆菌DNA对巨噬细胞MAPK和PKC以及NF-kB的影响(英文)

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