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The potato is a tuber plant.

The pot should only smile with heat. 水壶只有在加热时才会微笑;烈火识真金。
The pot was of years ago. 这个壶是数百年前制作的。
The potato chips① were invented by mistake②. 薯条是因为一个错误而被发明的。
The potato granules are manufactured through add-back process, and they have kept the original flavor and nutrition if potatoes as much as possibly, and are popular food in the world due to low fat and sugar. 本生产线是用马铃薯为原料生产颗粒全粉,采用回填工艺生产出的颗粒全粉,最大限度地保持了马铃薯原有的风味和营养价值,是一种低脂肪、低糖份的全球性食品。
The potato is a real monster. 这土豆可真大。
The potato is a tuber plant. 马铃薯是块茎植物。
The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 马铃薯是一种蔬菜,不是一种水果。
The potato is vulnerable to several pests. 马铃薯易受几种害虫的侵害.
The potatoes and Chinese cabbage don't cost much but the cucumbers and beans are expensive. 西红柿和中国卷心菜价格便宜,但黄瓜和蚕豆都很贵。
The potatoes are graded by size and quality. 那些马铃薯依照大小和品质来分级。
The potatoes were pared and cut into chunks. 马铃薯被削了皮并切成了块。

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