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The modern crop circle 1)phenomenon began in 1980, although there are reports of similar phenomena from as early as the seventeenth century.

The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark narrow streets full of petrol fumes, coal dust, and toxic gases. 现代城市是由大得怕人的大厦和充斥着难闻的汽油味,煤灰和有毒气体和又阴暗又狭窄的街道所组成。
The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. 街道上充斥着汽油味和有毒气体,出租车、卡车、公共汽车得当噪音刺耳难忍,络绎不绝的人群挤来挤去。
The modern city, as the center of local politics, economy, science, technology and culture, as well as a residential area of dense population, leads to a large number of problems, while practicing its urban function by motivating its energy. 摘要现代城市作为区域的政治、经济、科技、文化中心和高密度的人口聚居区,在汇集人类巨大的能量并产生城市功能的同时,也产生大量的城市社会问题。
The modern communication facilities as programmed-control telephone, mobile phone and high-speed broadband are completely available. 程控电话、移动电话、高速宽带网等现代通讯设施齐备。
The modern criminal law theory thoughtgenerally the criminal law lay in the criminality to the crime place by thesevere penalty reason to cause the serious harm to the society, has formed theenormous impact to the national dominant order. 现代刑法理论普遍认为刑法对犯罪处以严厉刑罚的原因在于犯罪行为给社会造成了严重的危害,对国家的统治秩序形成了极大的冲击。
The modern crop circle 1)phenomenon began in 1980, although there are reports of similar phenomena from as early as the seventeenth century. 现代的谷田圆形图案现象肇始于1980年,然而早在十七世纪时便有类似现象的报导。
The modern day incarnation of slavery - which sees unscrupulous gangmasters exploiting migrant workers with threats of violence - is alive and well in 21st Century Britain. 在21世纪的英国,新时代的奴役改头换面,仍然存在并活跃着――肆无忌惮的工头对移民工人使用暴力威胁,剥削工人。
The modern day version of the zurna is the oboe, which is a staple of any symphony orchestra. 唢呐的现代版本为双簧管,而双簧管是交响乐团的主要乐器。
The modern design technology solves various engineering problems by means of workbench cooperation. 摘要现代设计技术通过各种工作平台间相互协作来解决工程问题。
The modern equipment enables them to double their production. 现代化的设备使他们能把产量翻倍。
The modern history of Italy begins in1860, when the country became united. 意大利的近代史始于一八六年,从那一年起这个国家得到了统一。

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