A similar spanning frame supporting a group of railway signals over several tracks.
跨轨信号架一种类似的跨距架,跨越多条轨道并安装了许多铁路信号 |
A similar strategy might prevent organ transplant recipients from rejecting their new tissues.
类似的方法,也许可以让器官移植的人不再排斥新组织。 |
A similar structure used for supporting or suspending.
架状物,吊架一种用于支撑或悬挂的类似的结构物 |
A similar title conferred as an honorary distinction.
荣誉学位一种类似的作为一种荣誉而被授予的称号 |
A similar trick is used in so-called“bait-and-switch” ads,that is the customer is shown one product(the bait) and then given another.
另一类似的诡计是所谓的“偷梁换柱”广告,也就是说消费者所见的是一种产品(钓饵),而实际买到的却是另一种产品。 |
A similar trick is used to calculate a notional exchange rate for the Venezuelan bolivar, fixed by government since 2003.
其实早在2003年以来,这样的计算方法就被用于计算由政府定值的委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔的概念汇率。 |
A similar wing hit during the launch of the Columbia in February 2003 caused the disaster when it burned up upon reentry into the earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts.
哥伦比亚号航天飞机2003年2月发射时也发生了机翼被击中的类似事件,结果哥伦比亚号在回程中进入地球大气层的时候燃烧起火,机上7名宇航员全部遇难。 |
A similar wrong idea is that fish and ice cream when eaten at the same meal form a poisonous combination.
还有一种错误观点是,鱼和冰激凌在同一餐中食用会形成一种有毒的化合物。 |
A similar “shotgun” strategy is applied in ecological sampling, where as few as 20 base pairs are sufficient to identify an organism in an ecosystem.
在生态学取样中利用类似的「霰弹枪」策略,只需20对硷基就足以鑑定生态系中的一种生物。 |
A similar, less severe, metabolic disorder is congenital lactase deficiency.
类似的,病症略轻为一点的代谢紊乱疾病是乳糖分解酶素缺乏症。 |
A simple Analysis on Multilateralism and American Policy-making towards Germany Postwar, Journal of Taiyuan Teachers College,Vol.1,No.2,2002.
论文:《简析多边主义与战后初期美国对德政策的制订》,《太原师范学院学报》2002年10月创刊号。 |