You can cross the river a short distance below (ie downstream from) the waterfall.
在瀑布下游附近可以过河. |
You can cry for what won’t pass again.
当无法前进时,你可以哭泣, |
You can customize the background, font and icons of Dialog screens.
你可以定制背景、字体与偶像对话屏幕上. |
You can customize your skates, as you like to skate.
你可以按照你所从事的轮滑项目,定制你的鞋。 |
You can cut and paste the answers from the e-mail you received when your account was created.
你可以从你创建账号时收到的邮件里面复制并粘贴过来。 |
You can cut out the unimportant details.
你可以删掉不重要的细节. |
You can cut the index cards down to size for menus and window internals.
你可以剪切索引卡片成菜单或内窗口的尺寸。 |
You can dance rather well in a horizontal position, but the end result can be crimes of passion, due to jealousy. This union is usually hot, heavy and short lived.
狮子-天蝎:你们本可以平起平坐,但是蝎子强烈的嫉妒心影响到双方的关系。这个组合充满激情,但是不能持久。 |
You can deal with it by asking an older person about what it was like, and they can help you out.
你可以问问年长的人,事情是怎样处理的,他们能帮助你解决。 |
You can deal with this terminology in many interpretations.
你可以对这个术语做多种解释。 |
You can decide by yourself, as the case may be, whether to buy it or not.
根据具体情况,你自己可以决定买还是不买。 |