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China attaches great importance to the promotion of democracy at the grass-roots level so as to guarantee that citizens can directly exercise their political rights.

China apply universally aviation company will buy Helis! 通用航空类公司将可能求购直升飞机!
China appreciates Japan's desire to play a bigger role in international affairs and is ready to strengthen dialogue and consultation with Japan on major regional and international issues, including the reform of the United Nations. 中方理解日本拟在国际事务中发挥更大作用的愿望,愿意就包括联合国改革在内的重大国际和地区事务,同日方加强对话与沟通。
China as a Nuclear Power: Its Military Policy and Its Role in World Politics, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Virgina. 反资产阶级自由化与中共外交政策,中国大陆问题研究,第廿九卷,第十二期。
China as a navigation power with a long seafaring history, is supposed to possess her own ocean festival. 中国有悠久的航海历史,是航海大国,理应有自己的“航海节”。
China attaches great importance to energy conservation. 中国高度重视节约能源。
China attaches great importance to the promotion of democracy at the grass-roots level so as to guarantee that citizens can directly exercise their political rights. 中国十分重视基层民主建设,以保障公民能直接行使公民政治权利。
China attaches importance to relations with Belgium, and would like to promote political dialogue, economic and trade co-operation, exchanges in the biological, pharmaceutical, and micro-electronics fields, as well as co-operation in new fields such as en 中国政府高度重视发展中比关系,愿加强双方各级别政治磋商和对话,进一步扩大双边经贸合作,加强双方在生物、制药、微电子等高科技领域的合作,积极开拓能源、航天、生命科学等新的合作领域。
China awarded the right to host the event was the result of China's advance in international status and influence , the firm support from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China , the State Council and people throughout China, and the wide r “申博”成功,是我国的国际地位和影响力提升的结果,是党中央、国务院高度重视和全国人民坚定支持的结果,是举办城市——上海获得国际社会广泛认同的结果。
China became a vast unified country more than 2,000 years ago. 中国2000多年前就形成了幅员广阔的统一国家。
China becomes the multilateral trade body's 143rd formal member . 中国成为第143个多边贸易体正式成员。
China began to enter for the Summer Paralympics in 1984. 中国从1984年开始参加夏季残疾人奥运会。

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