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Designed so that all particles collected, regardless of physical size, shape, or density, are aerodynamically sized and can be directly related to human lung deposition.

Designed for use on exposed cattle watering systems. 适用于外置牲畜用水系统。
Designed from the human engineering point of view, this press is featured with reliable structure, fine appearance and easy operation as well as performance with its clear dot and elegant prints. 具有结构先进,性能可靠,印品精美,网点结实,操作简单,造型美观,符合现代人机工程学原理等特点。
Designed in the 1950s and built in the 1960s jointly by Britain and France, the plane is the world's only supersonic airliner. “协和”飞机由英国和法国共同于20世纪50年代设计、60年代制造,是世界上惟一的超音速客机。
Designed landscapes are crucial not only for the survival of all humans but they help heal the earth and the human spirit. 景观的设计十分重要,不仅是在人类的物质层面,更体现在它可以治愈地球的疮伤、完善人类的灵魂,使整个世界更加完美。
Designed or constructed to operate smoothly and without vibration. 自动定的为运行平稳、无振动而设计或建造的
Designed so that all particles collected, regardless of physical size, shape, or density, are aerodynamically sized and can be directly related to human lung deposition. 之所以这么设计,是因为所有被采集的微粒(不管体积大小、形状和密度怎么不同)都按照空气动力学原理分级。这种分级,直接对应于微粒在人体肺部的沉积情况。
Designed specially for dry hair this Rose shampoo is infused with Rose Hips, Aloe and the herbal complex of Arnica, Horsetail, Coltsfoot, Sage &Chamomile. 专为乾旱头发设计的有机洗头水,采用玫瑰果籽、芦荟和山金车、木贼、蒿属植物和甘菊。
Designed specifically for patent research at the databases of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Web Site, this internet TIFF Viewer is all you need to view/save/print patents with ease directly over the internet. 查看、打印、保存美国专利的浏览器插件,全功能版可免费试用3天,(可到原始网站下载),然后变为免费版,功能有部分限制。
Designed the communication interface between the analytical system and process control computer with digital I/O card, realized the real-time acquisition of strip steel given information. 摘要利用数字量I/O卡,设计了带钢质量数据分析系统与过程控制计算机之间的通信接口,实现了带钢给定信息的实时获取。
Designed to accommodate pumping three average sized septic tanks before dumping without the maintenance or cost of additional axles. 为了容纳大型抽水化粪池前有三个平均大小无维修费用或增加额外车轴的储存箱。
Designed to be the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game, StarCraft II will feature the return of the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg races, overhauled and re-imagined with Blizzard's signature approach to game balance. 星际争霸2凸显了三大种族的回归、升级以及重新设定,加之具有暴雪的色的游戏平衡性,力求打造具有终极对抗性的即时战略游戏。

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