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Synchronous Generator A synchronous generator is an AC generator having a DC exciter.

Synchronized motion of the the fast tool servo, workpiece and the diamond tool produces ultra-precision axisymmetric aspheric mirrors. 快速伺服机构、工件以及金刚石刀具的同时运动,可以实现轴对称非球面的超精密加工。
Synchronized statements are similar to synchronized methods. 同步的声明与同步的方法是相似。
Synchronized swimming is one of only three Olympic disciplies in which only women are allowed to compete. 在奥运会的3个只有女子项目的赛项里,花样游泳就是其中一个。
Synchronized swimming is one of only three Olympic disciplines in which only women are allowed to compete. 在奥运会的3个只有女子项目的赛项里,花样游泳就是其中一个。
Synchronizer A synchronizer is an electronic device that monitors the phase relationship between two voltage sources and provides a connection signal to an engine governor, to force the generator set to synchronize to the system bus. 同步器同步器是用来监测两个电压源之间的相位关系的电子设备,它向发动机调速器发出信号,以促使发电机组与系统母排能够同步。
Synchronous Generator A synchronous generator is an AC generator having a DC exciter. 同步发电机同步发动机是配有直流励磁机的同步交流发电机。
Synchronous Support &Rest: Position the last precisely at the same location. 时差可调式同步系统:撑台后踵精准的时间设定,鞋楦可达高精度定位。
Synchronous and asynchronous notification provides the flexibility required for all but the most esoteric situations. 而同步和异步通知则为不同的解决方法提供了非常大的弹性。
Synchronous culture A culture of cells in which all the individuals are at approximately the same point in the cell cycle. 同步培养:细胞培养中使所有细胞个体基本处于细胞周期的同一时刻的培养方法。
Synchronous flash: There are four synchronous flash modes available (continuous flash, remote-control burst mode, optically controlled flash, infrared ray flash). Whenever remote-control burst mode is applied, select button○2. 同步闪光:有4种同步闪光方式可供选择(连闪线引闪、遥控触发引闪、光控引闪)。使用遥控时,可将选择器按②位即可遥控接收。
Synchronous generators are used as stand-alone generators for emergency power and can also be paralleled with other synchronous generators and the utility system. 同步发动机能作为独立的紧急电源,也可以与其他同步发电机或市电并联。

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