His provocative comments will do nothing to advance the cause of world peace.
他挑釁的评论无助于促进世界和平的志业。 |
His provocative words only fueled the argument further.
他的挑釁话语只会使争执进一步的火上加油。 |
His prudence saved his life.
他的谨慎救了他一命。 |
His psoriasis and fever improved.
他的银屑病的发热症状改善。 |
His psychology did not recognize inner feelings and thoughts as legitimate objects of scientific study, he was only interested in overt behavior.
他的心理学并不承认内在的感觉及想法作为科学研究的合理项目,他只对明显的行为感兴趣。 |
His public expressions of grief are nothing but show.
他公开表示悲痛只不过是做做样子而已。 |
His public ministry was but three and a half short years.
他传道只有短短的三年半. |
His public speaking manner is still not very assured.
他演讲的神态还显出有点缺乏自信. |
His publications include “Watercolor Fundamentals” and “Watercolor Album.
出版有:《水彩画起步》、《水彩画作品集》等多种书籍。 |
His pulse is not very regular.
他的脉搏不很规则。 |
His pulse was at a hundred.
他的脉搏(每分钟)一百次。 |