Have you had time to go around Guangzhou these days, Mr. Meyer?
您这几天有没有抽时间在广州四处走走,迈尔先生? |
Have you had time to go through the products halls?
您是否有空参观商品展览? |
Have you had your breakfast yet?
吃过早餐了没? |
Have you had your cholera jabs yet?
你打霍乱预防针了吗? |
Have you had your lunch?
吃过午饭了吗? |
Have you had your supper mommy?
乔:妈妈,你吃晚饭了吗? |
Have you had your supper?
你吃过晚饭了吗? |
Have you had your ticket confirmed already?
你的票已经确认了吗? |
Have you hand in you consent yet?
你交手术志愿书了吗? |
Have you handed in your fine?
你交了罚款了吗? |
Have you handed in your subscription?
你交订阅费了吗? |