在今天潜逃 |
TODAY‘S warefare is a completely new ball game.
前的战争只限于刀剑,而今日的战争已是一个全新的球戏了。 |
TODD: As the war winds down, Cwick and his company move through Germany, coming upon countless enemy soldiers and civilians.
托德:战争逐渐松弛下来,斯维克和他的连队走遍德国,遇到无数敌军士兵和平民。 |
TODD: Cwick is among the first Americans to stumble on to Buchenwald, one of the largest, most notorious Nazi concentration camps.
托德:斯维克是最先发现布痕瓦尔德的美国人之一,布痕瓦尔德是德国最大的、最臭名昭著的纳粹集中营之一。 |
TODO: May want a more complex check; what if user uses prop: in the template and there's a conflict?
我们可以在组件模板中指定其他的参数,但是组件类里的参数优先。 |
TOEFL Class: Available in the cadet's senior year.
托福班:可于四年级选修。 |
TOEIC is different from TOFEL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), since TOEIC focuses on commercial business English, and TOFEL is an examination about different aspects of English such as natural science, social science, art and so on.
多益和托福(外国语言英语测验)不太一样,多益著重在职场商业英文,而托福则是一种包括科学、艺术等多方面的英文测验。 |
TOKYO (AFP) - China's apparently successful destruction of a satellite in space shows its determination to be a global power and is set to leave lasting jitters in the United States and Asia, analysts say.
法新社东京1月21日电——分析家们说,中国显然成功的摧毁了太空中的一枚卫星,显示中国决心成为全球大国,将令美国和亚洲持续神经过敏。 |
TOKYO (AFP) - China's top nuclear negotiator said on Saturday Beijing was optimistic for the North Korean denuclearisation deal, which has been stalled due to a row over Pyongyang funds frozen at a Macau bank, a report said.
一份报道指出,中国的最高核谈代表在一个讨论朝鲜在澳门资金解冻的会议上表示,中国对朝鲜无核化的谈判表示乐观。 |
TOKYO (AFP) - Hitachi said it returned to the black with a net profit of 23.7 million dollars in the December quarter, jumping on the bandwagon of the nation's flat-screen television boom.
日立公司昨天表示在日本本土平面电视普及热潮推动下,该公司终于可以在去年12月份这个季度告别赤字,实现纯利二千三百七十万美元。 |
TOKYO (AFP) - Japanese electronics makers Casio and Hitachi said they expect their hi-tech cellphone joint venture to be profitable in the first year of operations.
日本电器厂商卡西欧和日立表示希望双方的高科技手提电话合资企业能在首年即实现盈利。 |