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At the news of her son's death she went completely to pieces.

At the most critical juncture we took turns in watching that point. 在最为紧急的时刻,我们轮流监视着那个地方。
At the narrow top - indicating that they should be used sparingly, if at all: fats and oils. 在尖尖的塔顶--表示如果实在要食用也一定要有节制:脂肪和食用油。
At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque cheque. 在遭破坏的甲板的颈部,计算者检查了这张不透明支票。
At the news he sped home from abroad. 听到这消息,他立即从海外赶回来了。
At the news of her husband's death, she went to pieces. 得到她丈夫的死讯, 她神经错乱了。
At the news of her son's death she went completely to pieces. 听到她儿子的死讯,她彻底崩溃了。
At the newsagent's she stopped to buy a magazine . 在报摊那儿她停下来买了一本杂志。
At the next level up from graduate entry-the qualified or seasoned professional-the engineering, IT and legal professions pay best, again each averaging more than 5 percent above the general market average. 从刚刚毕业的入行者上一个台阶----成为一名合格的或者经验丰富的职业人士后,工程、IT和法律行业报酬最为丰厚,且收入水平都比总体市场平均值再高出5个百分点。
At the night of murder incident, what was his sequence number among those who left the villa? 凶案发生的那一夜,他是第几个离开别墅的?
At the noise of the tumult the people fled; at the lifting up of thyself the nations were scattered. 3喧囔的响声一发,众民奔逃。你一兴起,列国四散。
At the novel's end, it is implied that a few characters, through consultation with the I Ching, discover that their world is fictional. 在故事的结尾,它暗示有几个角色通过易经的交谈,发现他们的世界是虚构的。

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