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Constance: Me? I haven't a snobbish bone in my body.

Constable was a great English artist. 康斯太布尔是伟大的英国画家.
Constable, Nicole 1994 History and Construction of Hakka Identity, in Chen Chung-min, Chuang Ying-chang &Huang Shu-min eds., Ethnicity in Taiwan: Social, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives. 黄光国2002〈从社会心理的角度看儒家文化传统的内在结构〉,刊于《传统中华文化与现代价值的激荡与调融》,黄俊杰编,页135-174。
Constance: Could you imagine someone being hanged because of something I said. 你能否想象有人会因为我说的话而上吊自杀吗?
Constance: It must be hard to know when it's time to throw in the towel... What a pity about that last one of yours... what was it called? The Dodger? 这一定很难明白什么时候才能把手巾丢掉...真为你上一次拍的电影感到惋惜...片名是什么?“寄生者”?
Constance: Mary, I don't think I'll wear that shirt after all. The other one's warmer, that's all I care about. 玛丽,我不打算穿那件衣服了。另外一件更暖和,那就是我所在意的。
Constance: Me? I haven't a snobbish bone in my body. 我?我身体里没有一根势利眼的骨头。
Constance: Tell me, how much longer are you going to go on making films? 告诉我,你打算还要继续拍多少部电影?
Constancy is not constancy, to paraphrase Shakespeare, “which alters when its alteration finds. 恒数已不再恒久不变,就像莎士比亚所描述的:“当发现是改变时,他已经改变了。”
Constancy makes success a certainty. 持之以恒是成功的保证。
Constant Price : refers to the average price of a given produc t in certain year, which is used for comparison of output value over time. 不变价格:指用同类产品的年平均价格作为固定价格,来计算各年产品价值。
Constant annual failure probabilities that are commonly used in practice to evaluate reliability of a slope over a given expected service period may not be capable of capturing the deteriorating characteristics of slopes. 实际中,普遍使用的评价给定服务期内的边坡可靠性的,并作为常数的年破坏概率,不能够反映边坡衰退特征。

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