The article consists of four sections: 1.To elucidate the importance and necessity of the National Health Insurance. 2.To evaluate the five dimensions of the National Health Insurance: goal assessment, service level, financial support system, service deli
全文主要分爲四个部份,首先说明我国全民健康保险制度实施的必要性;其次分别针对目标达成、服务层次、财政支持、服务输送、社会影响等五个政策运行面的运行状况、运行效果、困难及缺失部份进行探讨;再其次则依据评估结果,提出十项个人之看法及改进意见;最后则指出国人对新政策运行之初,应有之体认与态度,以供参考。 |
The article consists of nine chapters.
本书共分九章。 |
The article could be spun out to6,000 words if necessary.
如果需要的话,这篇文章可以拉长到六千字。 |
The article deals with the purpose, content and methods of personal KM, analyzes the importance of individual KM of reference librarians in digital library and points out two ways of individual KM for reference librarian: (1) Designs individual knowledge
摘要文章阐述了个人知识管理的目的、主要内容和方法,分析了对数字图书馆数字参考馆员进行个人知识管理的必要性,提出数字参考馆员进行个人知识管理的两个要点,⑴构建个人知识学习网,包括学习与培训、发展人际网络、创建个人知识管理系统;⑵参考馆员需具备极强的学习能力,包括个人灵感知识及时管理、个人学习针对性管理等。 |
The article deals with the relationship between the village democracy and the political democratization in Mainland China.
摘要本文旨在研究村民自治与中国大陆民主化的关系。 |
The article deduces emf from varying magnetic field and motional emf in a general case further researches induced electric field and presents two important formulae of induced electric field.
摘要本文推导出在一般情况下的感生电动势和动生电动势公式,并在此基础上,对感生电场进行了进一步的研究,给出了求解感生电场的两个重要公式。 |
The article definite what the constitutionalism is firstly, and analyze the reason that we haven't become to a constitutional country, and give some suggestion for achieving it.
促成文化观念上的转变和进行制度层面的构建,实现宪法司法化,使宪法走下神坛,是实现宪政的必由之路。 |
The article demonstrates an ecological analysis on the status quo of higher education in the west of China, taking the value of ecology and the ecological principles and methods into account.
摘要用生态学的原理和方法,基于生态学的价值取向,对西部地区高等教育的层次结构、形式结构、区域结构现状做了生态分析。 |
The article demonstrates the unique scientific, ecological and aesthetic value of the stone forest with the unique karsts ground form of stone forest as the breakthrough point, integrating its geographical formation cause and the grand and magnificent nat
作品以石林独特的喀斯特地貌为切入点,将其地理成因与雄奇瑰丽的自然景观结合在一起,展现了石林独特的科学、生态和美学价值,并将旖旎的自然风光和独特的少数民族风情融为一体,反映了人与自然和谐共处的完美景象。 |
The article described it this way: The embryonic LifeLog program would dump everything an individual does into a giant database: every e-mail sent or received, every picture taken, every Web page surfed, every phone call made, every TV show watched, every
所有的这一些---还有更多---将结合从不同渠道所得的各类资料:定位发射机随时跟踪某个人;音像传感器捕捉他或她所看到的,所说的每句话;生物医学监视器监视个人的身体健康状况。 |
The article described the operation on the Multidimensional Data Mode through simply way.
以一种更简明的方式展现了针对立方体的基本操作。 |