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Antifouling paint on steel ship bottoms for worldwide waters with extended dry docking intervals.

Anticoagulation remains the mainstay of therapy for patients with venous thromboembolism. 抗凝仍然是主要治疗方法。
Anticoagulation use has increased in nontargeted, low-risk groups in whom antiplatelet agents are appropriate. 在那些接受抗血小板治疗更加合适的低危险组病人中,抗凝治疗的使用也呈增加趋势。
Antidumping duties are a more slippery target: dumping does not sound like something a responsible politician should favour. 对于反倾销税,这却是个棘手的靶子:大概没有哪位富有责任感的政客会表示对倾销感兴趣吧。
Antidumping law is one of the most important trade protection measures in the US, with the support of predatory pricing theory. 摘要反倾销法是美国实施贸易保护主义的重要措施之一,其理论支持之一就是掠夺性定价理论。
Antifibrinolytics reduced bleeding in clinical trials, but animal study findings were inconclusive. 抗纤药在临床试验中减少出血,但在动物实验中是非结论性。
Antifouling paint on steel ship bottoms for worldwide waters with extended dry docking intervals. 适用于行驶在全球各种水域中,修船间期较长的钢结构船底。
Antigens are spotted onto glass slides. 玻璃上发现抗原幻灯片.
Antigone represents family valuesbut at the same time something deeper(if not higher), connected with religion, the unwritten dateless laws. 安提冈尼代表的「家族价值」,也更深层(如果不算更高)的接触到宗教面,一种非成文的、不知何时颁布的法律。
Antihistamine drugs may offer an effective treatment. 抗组胺剂药物可以提供比较有效的治疗。
Antihistamines can also minimize itch, but be sure you stick to oral medications. 抗组胺剂也能减少瘙痒,但是你采用的一定要是口服治疗药。
Antihydrogen and hydrogen atoms should have the same properties, emitting the exact same frequencies of light, for example. 反氢和氢原子应该有相同的特性,例如发出光的频率一模一样。

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