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Just that split-second notice that allows him to escape unscathed.

Just tell me did you rehearse on me? 告诉我你在我身上有用过心吗?
Just tell me the plain facts.No need to elaborate. 告诉我简单的事实就行, 不要详细说明.
Just tell us the color and design you have in mind. we'll change them accordingly. 把您心里想的颜色和式样告诉我们,我们将作相应的修改。
Just tell us the facts and don't elaborate on them. 只要告诉我们事实,不必详细说明。
Just tell you that the affair was one thing, I mean, I forgave you, because on some small level, I thought you were in love with her, and now I find out that you were just groping people at parties. 我告诉你,那次婚外情,我原谅你是因为我以为你多少还是爱她的;现在我才知道你不过是在聚会上乱搞。
Just that split-second notice that allows him to escape unscathed. 半秒的时间让他可以全身而退。
Just the Yankees' luck: They finally had a big offensive outburst last night, but left town not knowing whether it will translate into a victory. 洋基出运啊!昨天晚上他们终于发动一个大的攻势,但是离开城市,不知道它会不会延续气势变成一个胜利.
Just the intro of TV NOVA is the SOURCE, at first there are asteroids flying (it is a place where saurians live), then there is a bang (the symbol of destruction by saurians) and after that there is the main thing THE CONTROLLING PROGRAMME, which is the e 只不过电视新星的介绍是来源,起先有小行星飞行(它是蜥蜴类住的一个地方),然后有一声巨响(蜥蜴类引起破坏的记号)而随后就是主要的事情控制程序,就是蛋(它属于蜥蜴类),有一条红色的带状物在蛋的内部(控制程序)。
Just the opposite case can also cause muscle cramping. If an individual is lying or even sitting in an awkward position for a long period of time cramping can result. 相反的状况也可能造成肌肉抽筋。如果某个人以不当的姿势躺着甚至坐着一段时间,也可能造成抽筋。
Just the opposite for lefties. 对左撇子则相反。
Just the opposite it the man who gives with a glad and willing hand, not only what is rightfully yours, but even more, something extra. 另一种人则乐意帮助别人,不仅把应属于你的东西给你,甚至还给得更多,额外再给一些。

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