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Many people had lucky escapes.

Many people go to work by car. 很多人开车去上班。
Many people go up and down by the lift in the big department store. 大百货商店里许多人乘电梯上下楼。
Many people got away from the wrecked ship on a raft. 许多人乘救生艇离开遇难的船。
Many people got rich by hoarding up gold until the price had risen more than ten times. 许多人通过储存黄金待其涨价至10倍以上而发了财。
Many people had a genuine gut reaction to news of Dolly, and that apparently remains undiminished in its intensity. 听到多利的消息,许多人都作出了发自内心的本能反应,而且这种反应的强度显然仍未减弱。
Many people had lucky escapes. 许多人幸运地逃离危险。
Many people hae seen ultrasound images of fetuses in the womb. 许多人都见过胎儿在子宫中的超声波图像。
Many people hang couplet inscription on either side of their doors. 这时人们打扫房间院落,贴年画窗花,准备年货。
Many people has offered out life to the Liberation War. 许多人为解放战争献出了生命。
Many people have a deep-rooted dislike for snakes. 许多人对于蛇有一种根深蒂固的恐惧。
Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. 许多美国人对一生时间的短促相当敏感。

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