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He invited me to eat some jugged hare with him together.

He invested all his money in inventing a new kind of weapon that could work by itself. 在去年介于4月1日到11月1日之间,有两个国家不时地互相侵略。
He invested heavily in the cotton business. 他在棉花生意上投入巨资。
He invested his savings in stocks and bonds. (他用存款购买股票和公债。)
He invested his savings in stocks. 他把积蓄投资于股票。
He invited me to dinner yesterday. 他昨天请我吃饭了。
He invited me to eat some jugged hare with him together. 他邀请我和他一块吃些罐焖野兔。
He invited me to his birthday party. 他邀请我去他的生日聚会.
He invited me to his home to talk over old times. 他邀我到他家里去聊聊过去的事。
He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot. 他邀请我们到他乡下的庄园去过一次打猎的周末。
He invited us to the party. 他邀请我们参加晚会。
He invites us to that inner pilgrimage which is called adoration. 祂邀请我们走内心的朝圣旅程,也就是朝拜。

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