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Within two weeks, you will find your eyes become bright and shinning, making you a real “magic eye beauty”.

Within two minutes, can you retrieve any paper you need? 有一个测试可以用来检测你现在的归档系统是否运行良好。
Within two months before the contract expires, Party B will notify Party A if it intends to extend the leasehold. 乙方在租赁期满后如需退租或续租,应提前两个月通知甲方,由双方另行协商退租或续租事宜。
Within two months before the contract expiresParty B will notify Party A if it intends to extend the leasehold. In this situationtwo parties will discuss matters over the extension. 乙方在租赁期满后如需退租或续租,应提前两个月通知甲方,由双方另行协商退租或续租事宜。在同等条件下乙方享有优先续租权。
Within two weeks, the heroic survivors of Leningrad saw their invaders depart. 列宁格勒那些英勇无畏的幸存者看着入侵者在两个星期内全部撤离。
Within two weeks, we will revise for free since the incomplete information or other reasons to cause the translation unadquate. If the contents changes, it will be recharged. 两周内,由于译前信息不完整或沟通不畅导致译稿修改,我们免费修改,因内容变动后的修改外。
Within two weeks, you will find your eyes become bright and shinning, making you a real “magic eye beauty”. 不出两个星期,你会发现你的眼睛变得明亮且炯炯有神起来,这才是名副其实的“电眼美女”。
Within vehicles, new homes, office buildings, ho020-31670763 13828482541s, air-conditioning rooms, fitment material distribution shops, entertainment places and new furniture, etc. 车内、新居、写字数、宾馆、空调间、卫生间、装饰材料经销店、娱乐场所、新家具内部等。
Within vehicles, new homes, office buildings, hotels, air-conditioning rooms, fitment material distribution shops, entertainment places and new furniture, etc. 车内、新居、写字数、宾馆、空调间、卫生间、装饰材料经销店、娱乐场所、新家具内部等。
Within weeks the firm was reporting nine-month losses of £349m (about $645m), even though each megawatt-hour from its eight plants had fetched some 25% more than they did a year earlier. 几星期之内这家公司就报告声称自己连续9个月亏损,损失达£349,尽管平均算来,每百万瓦特/小时其旗下的8个工厂比同年早期要多盈利25%。
Within working days after the date of actual shipment, Seller shall airmail one duplicate copy of each of the documents mentioned in the preceding clause to Buyer or the consignee appointed by Buyer. 7卖方应在实际装船日后工作日(5个工作日)内向买方或其指定的收货人通过国际快递前条所列单据的副本各一份。
Within your current genetic structure of only two strands of DNA, most of the form has decayed. 在你们目前只有2股的DNA遗传结构中,大部分形态已经衰亡。

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