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If you ever visit America or ever come to stay with me we will start out as just friends.

If you ever come to Kaohsiung, you must call on us. 你要是来高雄,一定要来看我们。
If you ever do need to move in front of someone in a combat situation, ensure that you call them by name and tell them that you're about to cross their line of fire. 在战斗中,如果你必须从他前面过,确定你先叫他们的名字,告诉他们你要从他们的火线经过。
If you ever feel you're just meandering on guitar, or bogged down, here's an exercise that will help improve your rapport with your instrument. 如果你曾经感觉你只是在漫不经心的对待吉他,或陷得太深,这儿有一个练习将帮助改善你和乐器间的亲密关系。
If you ever find yourself,lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me,my love will get you home. 如你曾经发现你自已迷失了,总感到孤独,回头吧,心中有我,我的爱会带你回家.
If you ever see Kelly, give her my kind regards. 你要是见到凯莉,请代我向她致以亲切的问候。
If you ever visit America or ever come to stay with me we will start out as just friends. 如果你什么时候来美国或者和我呆在一起,我们就可以以朋友的名义保持交往。
If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us. 你要是到伦敦来, 一定要到我们这里住住.
If you exaggerate,you will sound fantastically American. 如果你发音夸张听起来会特别有美国味。
If you exchange the word “Snitch” for “Harry,” you can see this action as symbolizing that Ginny will supplant Cho in Harry's affections. 如果你把“飞贼”这个词换成“哈利”,你就会把这一情节看作是象征金妮会取代秋在哈利心里的位置。
If you execution context is changing more rapidly than you can reboot your system, then you have an unusable system. 如果你的运行环境的改变比你启动系统更快速,那么,你有一个不稳定的系统。
If you exert all your strength you can move that rock. 如果你竭尽全力,你就能搬动那块岩石。

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