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After the talented new vocalist had sung her number, the audience gave her a big hand.

After the summer vacation, we went on with our study. 暑假过后,我们继续我们的学习。
After the supervisor declared the start of the test, all the students got right down to writing. 监考老师一声令下,同学们马上开始做卷子。
After the surplus size of the thick liquid trough is retrieved or put, can put the branch water properly , heat , wash the pipeline which sends the thick liquid material with pump circulation again, so as not to stop up. 浆槽的剩余浆液回收或放掉后,可适当放入清水、用蒸汽加温,再用泵循环清洗输送浆料的管路,以免堵塞。
After the switch center goes into operation on May 28, the FedEx will start its in-China domestic fast delivery service. 转运中心于5月28号启动营运后,联邦快递将在中国推出国内快递服务。
After the take-off, coming to a complete stop with little to no vertical bounce, dip, lateral drifting or wobble. 起飞后机体保持完全静止不动,不可有任意的垂直上升或下降,机体不可左右摇晃或漂移。
After the talented new vocalist had sung her number, the audience gave her a big hand. 那位才艺出众的新进歌手一唱完她的拿手歌,听众报以热烈的掌声。
After the talk, Miss Qin signed her name on the books the students gave her. 报告结束后,同学门纷纷拿出自己读过的、秦文君的书请作家签名。
After the talk, Peter calls Amy to tell her about the fantail goldfish. 听完演讲后,彼得给艾米打电话,告诉她有关扇尾金鱼的事。
After the task of product design had been accomplished, to carrying out evaluation on the quality of product design is an item of work with extraordinary significance. 摘要在完成产品设计任务之后,对产品的设计质量进行评价是一项非常有意义的工作。
After the teacher left, there was a lot of monkey business in the class. 在老师离开后,班上有一大堆的有的没的事情。
After the telecom market imploded, the technology demonstrated the versatility that Gruber had originally perceived. 在通讯市场崩盘之后,这项新的技术展现了葛鲁柏早就察觉到的多样性。

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