This fun event will definitely show, once and for all, that toys are no longer just for kids.
这个有趣的活动绝对可以让大家知道,玩具可不只是给小孩子的玩意喔! |
This fun project blends design, london life style, fashion, trendy bag styles and photography together and plays on people's insatiable curiosity as to what people have tucked away inside their bags.
它,和里面装的东西在某种程度上完全表现出一个人的个性、需要、生活的缩影和喜好,同时也清楚的喊出了每个人的个性宣言。 |
This function accepts a key color parameter and will replace all pixels from the source image containing the specified color with transparent black pixels in the created texture.
这个函数接受一个颜色索引参数并在创建的纹理中把所有源图像中和颜色索引相同的像素替换程黑色。 |
This function assigns new keys for the elements in the array. Existing keys will be removed.
这个函数为数组中的元素指定了新的键;现存的键将被删除。 |
This function autodetects the format type, regardless of filename.
此函数自动指定格式类型而不管文件名。 |
This function can be used to validate data integrity.
这个函数使用来验证一个整数的有效性的。 |
This function can delete the content of versatile module.
本功能实现万用查询模块中内容的删除. |
This function can not only prevent illegal users' access to but also prevent legal users' abuse of library resources, which ensures system security.
通过用户权限访问控制可以防止非法用户进入系统以及合法用户对系统资源的非法使用,提高应用系统的安全性,保护应用程序和后台数据。 |
This function checks whether the specified template exists. It can accept either a path to the template on the filesystem or a resource string specifying the template.
此函式在检查某特定样版是否存在,可以是在档案系统中某样版的路径或是代表此样版的资源字串。 |
This function computes the geodesic surface distance between two cordinates on the surface of the Earth to an accuracy of about ±50 meters.
这个函数计算地面上两个不同坐标之间的测地线距离,精度达到±50米。 |
This function determines if the first character in the specified string is a number.
本方法取决于字符串的首字符是否为数字。 |