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The boss dispenses the sick worker from his duties.

The boss deferred Mr Jackson's going home until next month. 老板将杰克逊探家的事推迟到下个月。
The boss delegate the task to his subordinate. 老板把任务委托给下属。
The boss depended on his competent secretary. 老板依靠他的得力秘书。
The boss didn't think up any new ways to improve the working conditions. 老板没有想出任何新的办法来改善工作条件。
The boss discharged him because of habitual absenteeism. 因为他习惯性旷工,老板解雇了他。
The boss dispenses the sick worker from his duties. 老板准许生病的工人不上班。
The boss docked the worker's pay10 dollars. 老板从那工人的工资中扣去10美元。
The boss evaluates every employee's performance at the end of each year. 老板每年年终都会评估每位员工的表现。
The boss exert pressure on you. 老板对你施加压力。
The boss expect us to do his dirty work, so he can look clean. 老板希望我们为他做没面子的工作,如此他可以看起来很清白。
The boss expected us to hold together in an emergency like this. 老板希望我们在这种紧急情况下保持团结。

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